Category Archives: Home Buyer Central

Changing jobs in the middle of a loan application

Changing jobs image


Have you ever been in a situation where you have been looking for that dream job for ages and didn’t get it. So you did everything else and carry on with your life.

There comes the time when you are looking to buy a property and you’ve decided you are after all not going to get that dream job. Hence you approach a broker and get the pre-approval. The bank has pre-approved your loan and then you start house-hunting.

You find your dream house and have signed the contract. and then finally……………

You get offered the dream job – that one job you’ve been waiting for years.

What do you do? Do you take up that job or do you wait till you settle on the property?

As a person who has been waiting for the dream job – I tell you – most of you would take up that job and assume you don’t have to tell the lender or broker about the change in job. You assume that all is well and that your loan will be approved.

Let me tell you the truth as a broker…….

If you change jobs in the midst of your loan being approved – the bank CAN and WILL DECLINE your loan – if it doesn’t fit their policy. It means that the bank policy may want you to be in a particular job for a length of time for them to approve your loan.

So NEVER NEVER change jobs in the midst of a loan application as you can be stuck in a new job without being able to afford the contract you signed!

Does this resonate with you – let me know how you solved it!

Dangers of using small builders


Bad builders

I was just talking to someone today and it was about how sometimes you get pushed into doing things that you don’t want to do. Somehow the topic went on to off-the-plan purchases and then this person was telling me a story about her very first purchase some 6 years ago.

She had signed up to purchase an off-the-plan purchase apartment – one among the five built. Apparently, the builder used her loan to complete the rest of the four! She didn’t know about it then.

When she moved into her (imagine how exciting moving into a first property you’ve purchased), the nightmare started. She moved in and the electricity was not working – so didn’t the gas. The knobs were all there – but when she turned them on – nothing happened!

Two days later, her friends and she realised something – the toilets and sinks were not sealed. When she called the builder to ask about it, the answer she got was that she had not requested them to seal it all! This after the builder had got an occupancy permit!

After three months of arguing, she was over it. Being single, her father then had to intervene and take the matter to VCAT to get it all fixed. To cut a long story short, the attitude of the builder towards her was simply not acceptable.

This has put her off against buying any more properties at all.

Do you have a similar nightmare story to share having used a small builder?